About Us

Jacob Holo
Jacob Holo has been a recreational geek since childhood, when he discovered Star Wars and Star Trek, and a professional geek since college, when he graduated from Youngstown State University with a degree in Electrical and Controls Engineering. He started writing when his parents bought that “new” IBM 286 desktop, and over the years, those powers combined to push him to the next level of nerddom: a sci-fi author who designs intricate worlds and tech systems…and promptly blows them up in a string of nonstop action.
He is the author of over fifteen books, including the bestselling Gordian Division series (with David Weber), YA urban fantasy Time Reavers (a Kirkus Reviews Best Indie Book), and fantasy adventure Monster Punk Horizon: Excess (with H.P. Holo).
Between novels, Jacob enjoys gaming of all sorts, whether video gaming, card gaming, miniature wargaming, or watching speed runs on YouTube. He is a former-Ohioan, former-Michigander who now lives in South Carolina with his wife/boss H.P., the ghost of his cat/boss Nova, and his new kitten/boss Dazzle, who is a very good boy even if he does try to lick light bulbs.

H.P. Holo
H.P. Holo grew up in a family where it was dangerous to say, “I’m bored.” She’s also an incorrigible smart aleck. So when her parents told her to fix her boredom by reading a dictionary, she did. And then, just to be extra sassy, she began writing novels that required them to keep that dictionary handy.
Her first ode to smart aleckery was The Wizard’s Way (with Jacob Holo), a tale of awkward steampunk wizards and dapper swordfighting pugs, and as much a love letter to steampunk as sassery. She followed it with another sassy love letter in the redonkulous Monster Punk Horizon series, this time to all things monster hunting, collecting, and befriending.
In all her series, she likes to spin fun (and funny) fantasies about rollicking adventures, absurd monsters, the bonds of friendship, and general nonsense.
When not writing, she enjoys procrastinating, fangirling over terrible movies, arguing that Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs is, in fact, the most perfect movei ever made, and having Too Many Fountain pens. She lives in South Carolina with her husband, the judgmental ghost of her former cat/boss, and a new kitten whose hobbies include furniture parkour at 3AM, climbing up door frames, screaming for no apparent reason, chewing on books, and trying to lick the occasional light bulb. (Yes, he is orange.)

Nova (Ghost Form)
In life, when not engaged in the Very Important Business of napping all day, Nova used the mighty persuasive power of Those Eyes to beg for treats and generally wrap everyone around her paws. She also enjoyed stretching out on Jacob & H.P.’s notebooks and keyboards while they’re trying to write, so if you find a typo, congratulations: You have discovered a Blessing of Nova, +1,000,000 to Morale. (Nova fell through the Dazzling Skies in 2023, but she still lives on in her typos and all the hair she left behind.)

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