Presenting my Warhammer 40K Dark Eldar army.
While not being quite as filled with conversions as my other armies, I did enjoy painting this army quite a bit. I’m not a very good painter, but a simple layered drybrush technique served me quite well with this army. I’m particularly happy with how the Incubi capes came out.
As for conversions, I had fun coming up with some substitutes for what was available at the time. Remember this guy?

While a nutty model, it just wasn’t my style. Instead of using the stock model, my kabal had a captured Hive Tyrant and Wraithlord under their command.

The Hive Tyrant used the old-old metal kit. I added some mechanical bits and guns to make it seem like the Dark Eldar had it under control somehow, and also to represent the Talos’ guns. I remember reading a passage in the old codex where Dark Eldar would even capture Tyranid Genestealers, so I figured going a step further made sense. As for why it has screaming faces coming out of it … the old Talos fluff had something in it where victims became a part of it. You can see a guy stuck at the bottom of the turret in the original model. So, yeah, screaming faces on a Hive Tyrant. Not my best idea, but I think it looks cool. 🙂
For the heads, I cut Dark Eldar warrior faces off and molded them to the Hive Tyrant with green stuff. I also added Space Marine missile launcher parts to its legs to give it “thrusters” so it could, with a little imagination, hover around.

The other Talos in my Dark Eldar army is more straightforward. Talos and Eldar Wraithlord stats aren’t too far removed, so I figured a captured and mutilated Wraithlord would work pretty well. I even threw in one of the original Talos arms. The scars are a simple green stuff sculpt.

I also had fun making the sybarites to lead the huge mobs of Warriors. This one is my favorite. The double-blade uses a gun grip with two knife blades glued on to the sides.
Check out the complete list of Warhammer 40K articles here.
i love everything about this page lol
Thank you for the very high praise! 🙂
Very nice!
Thanks! I’m glad you like them. 🙂
I have a bunch of the old DE models, most of which need painting – this is all I need to get them painted finally 🙂
Thanks, Frank! I’m always glad when I help inspire a fellow gamer. 🙂
Reblogged this on Jitesh's Domain and commented:
One of my favorite races to play as in Warhammer is Eldar! Love their nimbleness and split second powers!
Thank you for the reblog! 🙂
welcome holo 🙂