Two new five star reviews for The Dragons of Jupiter! That makes three on!
Review by: ChemTeach
Great Action Story
Jacob Holo is a wonderful story teller. Even in this futuristic setting with all kinds of cool tech toys for the warriors, the characters’ personalities still pop. There is not one false or phony turn in this action-packed story of two brothers. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a well-constructed plot with great characters.
Review by: John Bingham
Really good cover to cover
I bought it to check out a new author and was really glad to see we have a young and upcoming author who has a great way with sci-fi and keeping it interesting. The story line was easy to follow and moved along without dragging. Can’t wait to see what he comes up with next!
Both reviews are for the paperback edition. You can see the reviews here on
Awesome! Two more five star reviews and two more satisfied customers! And you know what this means? Yep, I’m breaking out the big smiley face!
So who’s in the mood for an action-packed novel? The Dragons of Jupiter is a tale of two brothers who must face each other in a war-ravaged future. If you like your sci-fi novels full of intense battles and bitter, personal conflicts, then this book is for you.
Those who enjoy calm, sedate novels full of peace and harmony may wish to look elsewhere. 🙂
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Holo Books
The Dragons of Jupiter: Another Reader Review! Five Stars!
I just got my first reader review for The Dragons of Jupiter! Here it is.
Review by: L Ingraham
Rich and Original
Very good read. This book takes you on a wild roller coaster ride through the Solar System with action and adventure at every turn. Jacob Holo paints a detailed picture of the future that is rich in story and original in its content.
The review is for the paperback edition and can be seen here.
Again, what can I say? I think I can call this another satisfied customer. Thank you, L Ingraham. I’m very happy you enjoyed the book!
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Time Reavers: Cover Color Studies!
Time Reavers – The monsters are real, and time is their weapon.
Fed up with bad teachers and daily fights with her sister, sixteen-year-old Nicole Taylor yearns for something better. Sadly, she’s in for a letdown, because the world ends next week.
Nicole discovers she has a rare gift. She can bend time around her and even stop it completely. With her powers awakening, she must face the Reavers: horrific killing machines that exist outside our time. The Reavers know about her now and have unleashed their cruelest hunters.
Plagued by nightmarish visions and ambushed by terrifying monsters at every turn, Nicole has one chance to stop their genocidal invasion. With help from a chain-smoking pyrokinetic, a neurotic sword-wielding assassin, and an icy Goth chick with a crossbow, she may stand a chance. But the Reavers are tireless foes, and Time is on their side.
Oh, man! This is so exciting!
Robert Chew (a.k.a. CrazyAsian1) has been hard at work rendering the front and back covers of Time Reavers, a young adult urban fantasy novel. Above, you can see the first color study of the front cover. Seriously, how cool is this?
The color studies look great. Robert and I are going to play around with the colors a little bit, and then he will begin the detailed painting. The reavers look absolutely fantastic. I’m so happy with how they are taking shape. These creatures, implacable combinations of metal and flesh, have been swimming around in my head for years, and it’s so gratifying to see their artwork take form.
When designing the titular villains of the novel, I made a very conscious decision to make them intelligent. These are not brutish monsters. They’re an army. They engage the heroes with coordination and purpose. They will lay ambushes. They will fake an attack to throw defenders off balance. Not only can they outfight the heroes, they can outthink them as well. It is their intelligence that makes them a truly formidable foe.
Here’s the back cover color study featuring the Mantis: general of the reaver invasion.
Just look at that face! This is not a guy you want to meet in a dark alley!
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Time Reavers: Back Cover Rough Sketches!
Time Reavers – The monsters are real, and time is their weapon.
Fed up with bad teachers and daily fights with her sister, sixteen-year-old Nicole Taylor yearns for something better. Sadly, she’s in for a letdown, because the world ends next week.
Nicole discovers she has a rare gift. She can bend time around her and even stop it completely. With her powers awakening, she must face the Reavers: horrific killing machines that exist outside our time. Nicole may be the only one who can stop their genocidal plan, but the Reavers know about her now and have unleashed their cruelest hunters.
Plagued by nightmarish visions and ambushed by terrifying monsters at every turn, Nicole has one chance to halt their invasion. With help from a chain-smoking pyrokinetic, a neurotic sword-wielding assassin, and a Goth chick with a crossbow, she may stand a chance. But the Reavers are tireless foes, and Time is on their side.
I am really enjoying this part of the project. It’s fun getting to see my characters for the first time.
Robert Chew (a.k.a. CrazyAsian1) continues his exceptional work on the cover art for Time Reavers, a young adult urban fantasy novel. This time, he’s provided some rough sketches of the back cover. Unlike The Dragons of Jupiter, Time Reavers will feature separate art for the front and the back.
Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce the Mantis: general of the Reaver army and main antagonist of the novel. He’s about a friendly as he looks, and wow, does he look cool or what?
As always, Robert has provided multiple sketches to help us zero in the final design. Here’s another version. It’s really hard to choose my favorite!
Wickedly cool, huh?
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Time Reavers: Front Cover Rough Sketches!
Time Reavers – The monsters are real, and time is their weapon.
Fed up with bad teachers and daily fights with her sister, sixteen-year-old Nicole Taylor yearns for something better. Sadly, she’s in for a letdown, because the world ends next week.
Nicole discovers she has a rare gift. She can bend time around her and even stop it completely. With her powers awakening, she must face the Reavers: horrific killing machines that exist outside our time. Nicole may be the only one who can stop their genocidal plan, but the Reavers know about her now and have unleashed their cruelest hunters.
Plagued by nightmarish visions and ambushed by terrifying monsters at every turn, Nicole has one chance to halt their invasion. With help from a chain-smoking pyrokinetic, a neurotic sword-wielding assassin, and a Goth chick with a crossbow, she may stand a chance. But the Reavers are tireless foes, and Time is on their side.
Oh, yeah! Here we go!
Once again, the extremely talented Robert Chew (a.k.a. CrazyAsian1) is hard at work on some amazing cover art. Up next is Time Reavers, a young adult urban fantasy novel. The cover features the heroine, Nicole Taylor, facing off against the awesome physical might of a Reaver. As you can see from these rough sketches, we’re off to a great start. Already, even in this early stage, the reaver exudes menace. I can hardly wait to see it detailed in.
The rough sketch above will form the basis for the next step, but it was tough picking out my favorite. Here’s another rough sketch of the cover for your viewing pleasure.
And another.
And one more.
Pretty cool stuff, huh? This is going to be one fantastic cover!
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The Dragons of Jupiter: First Reader Review! Five Stars!
The first reader review for The Dragons of Jupiter is in, and it is GLOWING!
Review by: Dan Pederson
Great plot, great characters, great world, and one heck of an awesome ending. That’s pretty much how I would describe The Dragons of Jupiter if someone asked me about the novel. The story centers around two brothers Ryu and Kaneda, their personal war, as well as the ongoing interplanetary conflict that is raging around them. The author does an excellent job of introducing the characters as well as the universe they exist in. The characters are done extremely well and it is interesting as a reader to become aware that you are favoring one side of the conflict versus the other. Some of the characters follow stereotypical sci-fi archetypes but that is one of the charming things about this book. The plot ranges from huge battles to small scale one-on-one fights and it handles each equally well. I won’t include any spoilers but will note that I thoroughly enjoyed the ending.
The review was posted on Smashwords and can be seen here.
Well, what can I say? Wow! Just … wow! That is one satisfied customer! Thank you, Dan Pederson, for your very enthusiastic praise!
And this is how I feel right now:
So, does this sound like a novel you’d enjoy? Do you like your novels action-packed? Do you crave interesting characters? Do you enjoy a kickass ending?
Why not give The Dragons of Jupiter a try?
Click here to learn more.
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The Dragons of Jupiter: Cover Art Complete!
The worst enemy in war is family.
Brothers Kaneda and Ryu Kusanagi once fought side by side to defeat Caesar, a rogue machine intelligence that almost enslaved humanity. They succeeded, but Kaneda was forever changed and began to see all artificial life as dangerous.
Now Kaneda seeks to destroy Matriarch, his creator and the last true thinking machine. He and his Crusaders will stop at nothing to achieve her death even if it means destroying Europa, the moon of Jupiter he once called home.
However, Ryu and his fellow Dragons stand against Kaneda and will do whatever it takes to protect their way of life. The two brothers are set to collide in a battle that will shake the great powers of the solar system and force both men to question what they believe in.
Robert Chew, a.k.a. CrazyAsian1, has completed the cover art. What is there to say? It looks fantastic! The artwork will wrap around the book, providing a fully illustrated front and back.
The cover features a formation of Crusaders, elite heavy infantry that serve as the novel’s antagonists. Don’t they look absolutely badass? Their idea of “light” weaponry is a Gatling gun. 🙂 Robert’s armor and weapon designs are incredible.
A lone Dragon waits on the back cover, outnumbered and outgunned, but fighting to the bitter end. Robert Chew added a cloaking effect to the Dragon, illustrating their impressive stealth abilities.
It won’t be much longer now. The interior layout is proceeding smoothly, and the formatting of the cover text has already started. Once we know the spine’s thickness precisely, we can zero in the design for the cover.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present The Dragons of Jupiter!
Coming soon to in Print and E-Book!
Heck, yeah!
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The Dragons of Jupiter: Cover Work-in-Progress
Kaneda’s dropfighter ground to a halt just outside the city. Explosive bolts blew the rear hatch open. The locks holding his armor released.
“Move out!” Kaneda shouted.
Crusaders stormed out of the dropfighter. Kaneda raised his Gatling gun and followed. He stepped off the metal ramp and onto the moon’s surface. Ice crunched under his boots. Leftover gel from the bombing run still burned in patches on the gray, drab buildings. Crusaders splashed through shallow pools that quickly refroze.
“Spread out! Secure those buildings!”
Jupiter’s storm-wracked face rose in front of him. Kaneda paused and looked at the planet. It filled the horizon from end to end. Ten years had passed since he’d seen the mighty gas giant with his own eyes. And now he was home again, on Europa, with ice under his boots. He even recognized some of the buildings. The nostalgia of the moment hit him harder than he thought possible, and he hesitated.
The second thing that hit him was a needle grenade exploding in his face.
Excerpt from The Dragons of Jupiter, by Jacob Holo
Robert Chew, a.k.a. CrazyAsian1, has begun detailing the final version of the cover.
What can I say? Already, it looks phenomenal!
The cover is set up to wrap around the book, with the left half on the back cover. The front prominently features crusaders, elite heavy infantry that are the antagonists of the novel. I love the added heft Robert gave their designs. A lone dragon, one of the protagonists, hides on the back cover, ready to ambush in ninja-like fashion.
I’m excited to see how he details in the dragon. Not much longer now!
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The Dragons of Jupiter: Cover Rough Sketch, Version 2!
Kaneda’s dropfighter ground to a halt just outside the city. Explosive bolts blew the rear hatch open. The locks holding his armor released.
“Move out!” Kaneda shouted.
Crusaders stormed out of the dropfighter. Kaneda raised his Gatling gun and followed. He stepped off the metal ramp and onto the moon’s surface. Ice crunched under his boots. Leftover gel from the bombing run still burned in patches on the gray, drab buildings. Crusaders splashed through shallow pools that quickly refroze.
“Spread out! Secure those buildings!”
Jupiter’s storm-wracked face rose in front of him. Kaneda paused and looked at the planet. It filled the horizon from end to end. Ten years had passed since he’d seen the mighty gas giant with his own eyes. And now he was home again, on Europa, with ice under his boots. He even recognized some of the buildings. The nostalgia of the moment hit him harder than he thought possible, and he hesitated.
The second thing that hit him was a needle grenade exploding in his face.
Excerpt from The Dragons of Jupiter, by Jacob Holo
Robert Chew, a.k.a. CrazyAsian1, has created a new rough sketch for my cover. I have to say, it is fantastic! He has expertly captured the feel I wanted.
The cover maintains the overall layout from previous versions, wrapping around the book. Three crusaders on the front cover, advancing. One dragon on the back, waiting for a chance to strike. They look so cool!
Robert continues to be an excellent artist to work with. He has been very professional throughout this entire process, and I have no doubt that will continue.
Next up, color studies!
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The Dragons of Jupiter: Cover Rough Sketches!
Kaneda’s dropfighter ground to a halt just outside the city. Explosive bolts blew the rear hatch open. The locks holding his armor released.
“Move out!” Kaneda shouted.
Crusaders stormed out of the dropfighter. Kaneda raised his Gatling gun and followed. He stepped off the metal ramp and onto the moon’s surface. Ice crunched under his boots. Leftover gel from the bombing run still burned in patches on the gray, drab buildings. Crusaders splashed through shallow pools that quickly refroze.
“Spread out! Secure those buildings!”
Jupiter’s storm-wracked face rose in front of him. Kaneda paused and looked at the planet. It filled the horizon from end to end. Ten years had passed since he’d seen the mighty gas giant with his own eyes. And now he was home again, on Europa, with ice under his boots. He even recognized some of the buildings. The nostalgia of the moment hit him harder than he thought possible, and he hesitated.
The second thing that hit him was a needle grenade exploding in his face.
Excerpt from The Dragons of Jupiter, by Jacob Holo
Oh, man! I have been so excited about this! Robert Chew (a.k.a CrazyAsian1) has begun working on the cover. He produced a few rough sketches for me to review, and I have to say, they have me giddy with excitement.
The cover is set up to wrap around the book, so most of the left half will be on the back cover. The front prominently features three crusaders, elite heavy infantry that are the antagonists of the novel. A lone dragon, one of the protagonists, hides on the back cover, ready to ambush in ninja-like fashion.
Robert has been great to work with. As we began to discuss the specifics of the cover, his attention to detail has been very impressive. Just to give you an idea, below is one of the first things he asked me during the concept phase.
“Now the purely logical side in me is wondering how Kaneda and his fellow Crusaders could heft around gatling guns. In my mind gatling guns are very heavy. The gun itself, the power source to get the barrel spinning, and the ammo. I’m wondering if the Crusaders use exoskeleton power armor to help them carry this stuff around. I could see them carrying this stuff around in space with 0G’s, but on the surface… Could you provide some insight into that for me? This will determine the character designs so I need to know.”
Ladies and gentlemen, that attention to detail is the sign of a true professional. Even at this early stage, Robert has done a superb job of capturing the look and feel I’m after. Check out these quick character studies Robert did of the crusaders.
The helmet designs are Robert Chew’s signature touch, and they have a striking profile that I just adore. I’m absolutely thrilled he’s letting me put them on the cover. I may ask for a few minor tweaks to the crusader armor, but they are already a fantastic design.
The first rough sketch I posted is my favorite, but the other two are also quite impressive. Check out this one.
And the last one.
And finally, just for laughs, here’s the original picture I sent Robert. As you can see, my crack PowerPoint skills were pushed to their limit.
Seriously, though. In my defense, I am not an artist. However, it did get the job done of communicating the layout to him … and it probably gave him a chuckle too.
Having an awesome cover for my book isn’t too far off now. After that, it’s time to publish this bad boy!
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Dungeon Master Writes Novel that Writes Campaign that Writes Novel
Last year, I played Dungeons and Dragons for the first time. My wife got me started on the hobby. I played a character I affectionately remember as the “Burninator”, a wizard whose first response to any problem was to set it on fire.
It was loads of fun, but I wanted more. I wanted to drive the campaign, create the mood, and tell the story. I wanted to be the Dungeon Master.
I told our group about my writing hobby and how I thought one of my books would be a great setting for a campaign. It was an urban fantasy novel called Time Reavers, and it had plenty of formidable monsters to fight and interested powers for the characters to use. They basically said, “Sure, why not? We’ll give that a try.”
I went to work, feverishly converting the creatures and abilities from my novel into a coherent rule set, using Pathfinder as a template. The result was Time Reavers: A D&D Campaign, and it was a surprising success.
The players really enjoyed the unique setting. These weren’t skeletons and kobolds anymore. They had to contend with a whole new bestiary. Every encounter was a mystery, every new creature feared for its unknown strengths and weaknesses. Even their own abilities were revealed piece by piece.
The group enjoyed it so much that I am now running my second campaign with them. That’s great just by itself, but the biggest benefit came as a complete surprise.
You see, Time Reavers was a dead novel to me. I’d written it years ago and tried to get it published. That failed, so I tossed it away and moved on to another story. I’ve done this repeatedly over the years. It’s just the way I handle my hobby. I always try to look forward and not dwell on a failed experiment.
But running the campaign sparked my creative juices. I crafted new scenarios that didn’t exist in the book, and I even designed totally new creatures. The players came up with solutions I hadn’t thought about, indirectly adding their own creative spark. When the campaign finished, I looked at my notes and realized I had the blueprints to totally revitalize my novel.
And so I did just that. It was strange revisiting a dead project, but also a lot of fun. I revamped the main character, added a secondary protagonist and some old-fashioned conflict between the two. I wrote two brand new action scenes, spiced them up with one of the new creature types, and cut the fat out of the third act.
It took months. The 58,000 word urban fantasy novel I started with became a 70,000 YA urban fantasy novel, and it’s a much stronger story than its predecessor.
So what’s the next step? Well, I’m going to try to get the thing published. And if that fails, I’m going to do what I’m doing with The Dragons of Jupiter. I’m going to self-publish.
Wish me luck!
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The Dragons of Jupiter: Cover Artist!
I’ve been talking to Robert Chew, a.k.a CrazyAsian1, about the cover art for my sci-fi novel, The Dragons of Jupiter. Here’s an example of his amazing artwork. Is this cool or what?
Check out more of Robert Chew’s art at
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