Hey, readers! Gadi Evron has put together a truly cool project over at Essence of Wonder, coordinating online events to give geeks, makers, hackers, and other technologically creative sorts a way to engage with exciting ideas during this isolated time of Covid-19 and social distancing – namely through panels hosted through Zoom conferences.
To that effect, on Saturday, April 11th @ 3pm EST, you should totally check out David Weber and Friends on Space Warfighting!
The panel will kick off with an interview with David, followed by a reading from one of his books, and David will then lead Christopher Weuve, Major Gen. (Res.) Professor Isaac Ben-Israel, Charles Gannon, and our very own Jacob in a discussion about space warfighting: What would it really look like? How would military and/or political strategy shift in an interstellar setting? How would space affect military R&D?
Attendance requires (FREE) registration, so be sure to head on over to the page and sign up! (Scroll down about midway to find the registration link.)
We hope to see you there! 😀
UPDATE: Here are the recordings!
Holo Books
The Dragons of Jupiter Has a New eBook Edition! (Also, some eBook publishing tips!)
I do a lot behind the scenes at Holo Writing, from actual novel-writing to handling our graphic design, marketing, and social media presence. One of my most recent projects has been teaching myself to design eBooks in Adobe InDesign*, and this is the fruit of that! 😀
Then I figured, while I’m updating the guts, I might as well update the cover, too, especially now that The Gordian Protocol has officially made Jacob a National Bestselling Author! 😲 Man, does it feel good to put that on a cover. 🤩
And so, without further ado, say hello to the new eBook edition of The Dragons of Jupiter!
*An FYI for aspiring authors: We’d previously hired eBook Launch to handle our eBook formatting, and they’re fantastic, but now that we’re definitely In This For The Long Run, I figured it would be good to learn how to build our indie books from the bottom up.
I mainly chose InDesign because I already had access to it through Adobe’s Creative Cloud and figured I might as well get my subscription’s worth. Plus, I like that it allows me to have infinitesimally specific control over what’s in my files (even if it’s a beast to learn 😬).
However, I wanted to add for the emerging authors who want a simpler, less technical mode of eBook production: Vellum is reputed to be an awesome piece of software, and at just $100, should probably be one of your first purchases as an indie if you plan on publishing lots of books. For comparison, paid formatting for us often costs $100ish PER eBOOK.
We didn’t know about Vellum when we started – if it even existed back then – but I wish we had, as having direct control over your eBook files makes it A LOT easier (and cheaper) to update internal links and booklists, change front and back matter, etc. As quickly as marketing strategies change in the indie publishing industry, any software that can help you nimbly alter your product to suit the market is Good Software To Have.
Personally, I’ve only played with the trial version of Vellum (and found it wondrously easy to use), but I have author buds who use it regularly and love it.
Hope this helps those of you who are just getting started! 😊
LibertyCon Panel Schedule!
From one con, right to another! Here’s what we’ll be up to at LibertyCon in Chattanooga, TN! 😀 (Full schedule here.)
FRIDAY, June 28th @ 10pm – Meeting Room 7
D. Alan Lewis moderates this panel on writing and mixing genres that cross Steampunk.
Panelists: D. Alan Lewis, Quincy J. Allen, Dan Hollifield, H.P. Holo, Tamara Lowery
SATURDAY, June 29th @ 10am – Meeting Room 8
Bad Ash Publishing owner Melisa Todd moderates this panel on where to find the best tools to assist independent authors.
Panelists: Melisa Todd, Douglas Burbey, Jim Curtis, H.P. Holo, Dave Schroeder, John Van Stry
SATURDAY, June 29th @ 1pm – Meeting Rooms 9 & 10
David Butler moderates this roundtable on what’s new in young adult fantasy.
Panelists: David (D.J.) Butler, Taylor S. Hoch, H.P. Holo, Cedar Sanderson, Lydia Sherrer
SATURDAY, June 29th @ 1pm – Meeting Rooms 4 & 5
Our panelists will discuss the nuances of good world building in Space Opera. Mark Wandrey moderates.
Panelists: Mark Wandrey, Jim Curtis, Doug Dandridge, C.S. Ferguson, Jacob Holo, Ian J. Malone
SATURDAY, June 29th @ 2pm – Meeting Rooms 4 & 5
Toni Weisskopf will be running the crowd through the best of what’s going on in the Baen universe. (And there will be giveaways!)
Panelists: A whole bunch. Just go; it’s fun.
SATURDAY, June 29th @ 5pm – Meeting Room 8
Industrial / Mechanical Engineers square off against Mecha authors to discuss “Mech” realism and the realm of the possible. William Joseph Roberts moderates.
Panelists: William Joseph Roberts, J.D. Beckwith, Jacob Holo, Jon R. Osborne, James Schardt, Chris Woods
SATURDAY, June 29th @ 10pm – Lookout Mountain Room
Come out and have a seat as our author guests read passages of their works.
Panelists: Jacob & H.P. Holo
SUNDAY, June 30th @ 10am – Tennessee River Room
Have coffee / continental breakfast and chat with the pros.
Panelists: A BUNCH.
FRIDAY, June 28th @ 6pm (Author’s Alley – Plaza Ballroom Mezzanine)
FRIDAY, June 28th @ 7pm (Autograph Session in Dealer’s Room – Plaza A/B/C Ballroom)
SATURDAY, June 29th @ 4pm (Author’s Alley – Plaza Ballroom Mezzanine)
SUNDAY, June 30th @ 11am (Author’s Alley – Plaza Ballroom Mezzanine)
ConCarolinas 2019 Con Update!
Sometimes you go to a con and have a fantabulous time, and then con crud sneaks up on you the moment you get home and knocks you on your butt. 😷
When that’s the worst you can say about a con, though, it’s a pretty good con. 😀
This was the first year that the stars and our schedules aligned for us to be at ConCarolinas in Charlotte, NC, and though we were insanely busy (ALL PANELS ALL THE TIME FOREVER), the fun was entirely worth the con crud.
Before we formally begin, though, we owe a special thanks to Guest Coordinator (and fellow author) John Hartness for allowing us in as last minute guests. We’d initially committed to LibertyCon for this weekend, but when LibertyCon changed dates (now June 28-30, btw), that left us some unexpected free time, and John was graciously willing to let us fill it at ConCarolinas. All that said, thanks, John! (Also go buy his stuff. And the stuff he publishes under Falstaff Books.)
ConCarolinas is one of those small cons that hides its size with huge enthusiasm and activity. Though a multi-fandom con, it places more emphasis on authors and books than most cons of its size, which meant that we were able to meet a bunch of new authors and add their books to our reading pile.
We hadn’t intended to come home with any new books because our pile is currently growing faster than it’s shrinking, but well…A.J. Hartley was a fellow guest, and Steeplejack has been on my to-read list forever, which was reason enough for me to just impulse buy the whole trilogy.
Then, when R.M. Hamrick described her space opera novellas as Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy meets Guardians of the Galaxy, we couldn’t resist snagging that, too.
Next, Jeffrey Bardwell, among other books, wrote a series about medieval steampunk wizards, so naturally I was all over that.
Finally, I forgot to pick this up because by the end of the con I was 100% dead and incoherent, but Crymsyn Hart wrote a sci-fi romance titled Captured by the Alien Vampire Highlander which is something I think the world should know about for the title alone. (It’ll be on my digital reading pile soon.)
Speaking of books, we also need to give a special shout-out to Orielis Books, who carried our titles this weekend and also gave us an impromptu book-signing when we weren’t able to make our originally-scheduled signing on Friday. 😊
They’ll be carrying some of our titles on their website and to other cons they visit, so be sure to check them out if you’re in need of some good reads!
Our adventures didn’t end with books, but you can find the rest of our ConCarolinas fun chronicled on our Instagram page.
And if you want to join us on our con adventures, come see us at LibertyCon, later this month in Chattanooga, TN!
Until then, happy reading! 😁
Note: Holo Writing is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and, as such, may earn a small commission from any product purchased through an affiliate link on this blog.
ConCarolinas Panel Schedule!
Our next convention stop is coming up this weekend! Here’s where you can find us at ConCarolinas in Charlotte, NC.
NOTE: The official schedule has us down for a Book Signing on Friday @ 2pm, but due to Other Job commitments (like…actually showing up to work 😜), we won’t be able to make it that day. However, if you find us at the con, we’ll be glad to sign for you. 🙂
SATURDAY, June 1st @ 10am – Main Programming (Lakeshore 3&4)
Panelists: Tony Daniel, Nicole Givens Kurtz, David Weber, Jacob Holo
SATURDAY, June 1st @ 12pm – Lakeshore 2
Whether it’s Transformers, Gundams, or Jaegers, there’s no denying the popularity of giant robots in our media. Let’s talk about our favorite robots and why we think they’re such a prevalent fixture in our media and fandoms.
Panelists: Ramenwitch, Sherman Burris, Carol Cowles, Jacob Holo, Nickie Jamison
SATURDAY, June 1st @ 3pm – Keynes
What kinds of weapons are suitable for your story? Are there novels you’ve read in which the author handled weaponry in a unique way? How does the writer even learn about all this stuff?
Panelists: Nancy Northcott, Chris A. Jackson, Jacob Holo, Edward McKeown, Quincy J. Allen
Saturday, June 1st @ 5pm – Keynes
From The Expanse to the Honorverse, stories set in space have always been thrilling. What makes outer space so exciting? Who are some of the best storytellers working out in the black?
Panelists: Tony Daniel, David Weber, Jacob Holo, Edward McKeown, Rebekah Hamrick
SATURDAY, June 1st @ 7pm – Keynes
Melding fantasy and scifi – hey, you got dragons in my steampunk!
Panelists: Leann M. Rettell, H.P. Holo, Jeffrey Bardwell, Larry N. Martin, Jason Gilbert
SATURDAY, June 1st @ 10pm – Walden
Our panelists answer your burning questions on anything – except writing. Ask about baking, the meaning of life, Flat Earth theory, their favorite composers – anything but writing! (Truth is not guaranteed).
Panelists: Dacre Stoker, Crymsyn Hart, D.R. Perry, Jacob & H.P. Holo
SUNDAY, June 2nd @ 10am – 3rd Floor Room
Join us for readings from The Gordian Protocol and The Wizard’s Way!
Panelists: Jacob & H.P. Holo
SUNDAY, June 2nd @ 11am – Walden
Science fiction has “science” built right into the genre’s name, and many famous creators of classic works came had careers in science. But as the genre has evolved, the margins have gotten fuzzier. At what point does science fiction become pure fantasy? Are creators under any obligation to get their science right?
Panelists: James Maxey, Jacob Holo, Rebekah Hamrick, J.A. Sutherland, Michael Mammay
SUNDAY, June 2nd @ 1pm – Walden
What makes the protagonist that star of the show? Is it her story, or her personality? Maybe it’s the way he interacts with the people around him? Our panel talks about how to create main characters whose stories are the kind everyone wants to read.
Panelists: H.P. Holo, A.J. Hartley, Faith Hunter, David Weber, Stuart Jaffe
SUNDAY, June 2nd @ 2pm – Walden
Few writers these days are only writers. Many of the writers you read are also working a day job, parenting, coaching, or just spending time doing other hobbies they enjoy. The panelists will discuss how they manage this balancing act, what they’ve learned about life and themselves through this process, and how others can successfully balance a full plate as well.
Panelists: D.R. Perry, H.P. Holo, Steve Murphy, Matthew Saunders, Aaron Rosenberg
Interview on The Baen Free Radio Hour!
If you’re not familiar with the Baen Free Radio Hour and love sci-fi podcasts, you need to GET ON THAT.
If you’re also a fan of The Gordian Protocol, Friday brought a reason to DOUBLE GET ON THAT:
Here’s part one of a 3-part interview with Jacob, David Weber, and Baen publisher Toni Weisskopf, led by Baen Editor Tony Daniel. (It also includes the latest installment of the audiobook serialization of Larry Correia’s Son of the Black Sword)!
Subsequent parts will be added as they’re posted, but if you’d like to follow them, you can subscribe on Apple Podcasts or listen in-browser on the Baen website.
Listen Here:
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Note: Holo Writing is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and, as such, may earn a small commission from any product purchased through an affiliate link on this blog.
A Funny Story About Writing The Gordian Protocol
*Originally posted 3/6/19 on the Weber Forums.
PLEASE NOTE: This post will contain a few vague references to parts of The Gordian Protocol‘s plot and characters. I’ll do my best to keep from spoiling anything, but those who wish to experience the novel without any spoilers of any kind should avoid this post in its entirety.
Though, honestly, if you’re reading this, are you really trying your best to avoid spoilers? 🙂
Now, onto the story.
It’s spring of 2017, I’m deep into writing my scenes for The Gordian Protocol, and I come across a…problem. Not a big problem, mind you, but more of a “Hmm, how best to handle this?” kind of situation. I was quickly approaching a scene where I needed to get a key character onto the protagonists’ time machine. And the character (let’s call him “Jimmy”) had to board the time machine willing. That’s the important part, and I need to be snappy about it, because the story was on a serious crescendo, and I wanted to maintain that forward momentum into the climax.
Problem is, there’s a lot tying Jimmy to his native place in history. A lot.
This is a man for whom duty runs thick through his veins, especially to his…goldfish. (Okay, you know it’s not his goldfish, but I’m rolling with this as part of my anti-spoiler tactics.) He needs a Very-Good-Reason to leave his goldfish behind. He and that goldfish have been through some tough times together! Granted, our protagonists have that Very-Good-Reason, but their story isn’t the easiest one to digest, and Jimmy is no fool, especially when the needs of his goldfish are concerned. There will be questions. There will be discussions. There will be…delays.
Hence, I had a problem.
I took a step back and reviewed David’s notes. This was often my first step when I wasn’t quite sure how to proceed. Between the alternate history notes and deep character background, I had over 40,000 words of material to pull from when writing my scenes, and those notes almost always provided the guidance I needed to support David’s vision for the novel.
So, I looked up David’s notes on Jimmy and… Aha! This particular goldfish wasn’t named here! It only listed that Jimmy…found a second goldfish, long after the untimely passing of his first goldfish. (Have you figured out what the goldfish is?)
Well… 😜
Let me segue for a moment here and talk a bit about the collaboration process. As the junior partner on a project, I view it as my responsibility to support the senior partner’s overall vision for the novel while also contributing my own original ideas. Balancing the two can be tricky at times, so I was always keen to identify which parts of this story I needed to strictly follow David’s lead and which parts were my sandbox to explore.
The lack of a name for Jimmy’s second goldfish was like a bright green flag waving in my mind. We were in sandbox territory here! Yes! I could do whatever I wanted with the goldfish!
I pondered how to approach the problem with this newfound narrative freedom. And then it hit me. Jimmy’s goldfish couldn’t tie him down…if it wasn’t around anymore!
So I blew up the goldfish during one of the novel’s action set pieces. Little smoking pieces of fish strewn everywhere. Thus Jimmy was free to board the time machine without hesitation, and the plot could move forward efficiently. The engineer in me was quite pleased with how I’d dealt with the problem. KISS principle, you know? (Keep It Simple Stupid)
Sometimes it’s easiest just to dynamite the obstacle.
I went on to finish my portion of the novel and hand it over.
A little while later, David reviewed my work, and we had a conversation that went something like this (heavy paraphrasing to follow):
DW: So, you know Jimmy’s goldfish?
JH: The first or the second?
DW: The second. The one you blew up.
JH: Sure, I do. I’m the one who blew it up, after all.
DW: Right, about that. You do realize I had a story planned for that goldfish in the sequel.
JH: …You did? 😬
At this point, my internal dialogue looked something like this: Oh, &%#$! Oh, &%#$! Oh, &%#$!
DW: Yeah, you mind if I rework those scenes?
JH: What? Oh, uhh, no, not at all! Please, be my guest! Edit away! I wasn’t sure how best to approach that part anyway!
A little while later, I received David’s next set of revisions. And boy, was I in for a surprise!
You see, he didn’t take the goldfish death out. In fact, he ended up making the death scene even WORSE! He didn’t just blow it up! He mangled the goldfish’s body, had it flopping around on the floor, gasping for air, and then had it die in Jimmy’s arms!
I remember reading it, thinking to myself, “Wait a second. Isn’t the goldfish supposed to live?” And then a little bit later, “Huh. Guess not.”
And, wow. I absolutely loved the changes he made. He took a scene I wrote out of a desire to move the story forward as cleanly as possible, reworked it here, massaged it there, and then cranked the emotional impact up to eleven! It was a fantastic scene, but it’s also one he wouldn’t have written if I hadn’t killed…the goldfish…when I shouldn’t have. A small misunderstanding ended up blossoming into something neither of us would have written on our own, and it’s moments like this that make collaborating with another author such an awesome experience.
That said, I told David afterwards we should probably establish a “Thou Shalt Not Kill These Characters” list for future projects. 🙂
Speaking of which, I think I’ve procrastinated enough today. Time for me to get back to work on the sequel to The Gordian Protocol. I’ve got a lot of [REDACTED] to blow up this week. 😄😄😄
Interview with Keystroke Medium!
Earlier tonight, David Weber and Jacob joined Josh and Steve over at Keystroke Medium to chat collaboration, publishing, and The Gordian Protocol. Check out the interview below! 😀
And of course, for more interviews and writing insight, visit Keystroke Medium’s website and YouTube channel!
Booklist on The Gordian Protocol!
The early review train is chugging along! Here’s what Don Vicha at Booklist says about The Gordian Protocol!
In the present, Benjamin Schröder, a history professor in South Carolina, has a mental breakdown dealing with the sudden appearance of a second set of memories as real and compelling as what he thought of as his normal life. Then, as he nears recovery, Raibert Kaminski appears at his door. He claims to be a historian from the thirty-first century with a story of how sixteen alternate histories have been bound together in a Knot—which Schröder holds the key to unraveling. If Schröder can’t help, each of those universes will come to an explosive end. But the cost to Schröder is less abstract and incredibly monstrous, and soon the two are facing a ruthless threat that shows no respect for the denizens of the past. The usual Tom Clancy-esque exposition of technical details that readers expect from Weber are leavened by absurd humor and bloody action. Echoes of Robert Heinlein mix with the inventiveness of Charles Stross and lots of exploding temporal spaceships and bodies. Weber and Holo must have had a ball writing this action-packed temporal/multiverse-travel novel.
Can confirm; David and Jacob had an ABSOLUTE ball. 😁
Read the Review on Booklist Here!*
*Review is behind paywall.
The Gordian Protocol in the May 2019 Monthly Baen Bundle!
Baen Books is a cool publisher in that it has a lot of options for fans who are really impatient for release dates. 😀
For example, there’s its eARC collection, for readers who don’t mind upcoming releases with a few typos. There are also the Monthly Baen Bundles, wherein you can buy a handful of upcoming Baen eBooks in one chunk for the nice, wallet-friendly price of $18!
The Gordian Protocol‘s eARC has been out for a bit, and now the final form is available in the May 2019 Monthly Baen Bundle, along with titles from other such authors as Larry Correia, Kasey Ezell, P.C. Hodgell, Elizabeth Moon, David Drake, Steve White, Charles E. Gannon, and Thomas T. Thomas!
Both will only be available until the book officially releases on May 7th, so if you want these versions, be sure to click fast!
*Also, thanks to reader David Macfarlane for reminding us that we hadn’t shared this yet! 🙂
Buy the eARC Here!
Buy the May 2019 Monthly Baen Bundle Here!
FantaSci 2019 Con Update!
With the May 7th release of Jacob and David Weber’s The Gordian Protocol (from Baen Books) and a contract already signed for the sequel, 2019’s looking to be a big year for us. It’s only appropriate, then, that our 2019 con season kicked off with a big start!
FantaSci in Durham, NC is one of the sister cons that sprang up from the The Royal Manticoran Navy’s now-defunct HonorCon (R.I.P.), in the form of a multi-fandom con with emphasis on the works of David Weber and the ever-growing Four Horseman Universe helmed by Mark Wandrey and Chris Kennedy. This being its first year, it was small, but what it lacked in numbers it made up for in sheer heart and brilliant company.
For us, though, the excitement began before the con even started. Since FantaSci’s location was so close to Baen Books’ main offices, Baen invited us up for a tour and to meet some of the people responsible for transforming David and Jacob’s manuscript into its final form. Assistant Editor (also an author) Christopher Ruocchio first showed us where the general magic happens; it involves a lot of bookshelves, cubicles, and most importantly, TWO CATS EACH WITH THEIR OWN PERSON-SIZED CAT TOWER. (In my excitement, I forgot both their names, but both were gracious enough to bless me with their squishy bellies so I am forever grateful.) Senior Editor Tony Daniel (also also an author) then continued the tour, showing us the podcasting station where he records The Baen Free Radio Hour (one of my regular listens), and finally Executive Editor Jim Minz and shipping extraordinaire Grace Borger treated us to a spontaneous lunch at local haunt Over the Falls (which was delicious). And then, on Mr. Minz’s recommendation, I tried out Wake Forest Coffee Company, which it turns out makes an iced caramel macchiato to rival my favorite coffee shop’s back home. (It was a coffee miracle!)
But that wasn’t even the end of our Baen adventure—or food adventures. That evening, all the Baen authors at FantaSci were treated to a lavish dinner at NanaSteak, so we were privileged to sit at the same dinner table with the Baen crew from earlier, as well as Timothy and Anna Zahn, Steve White (and wife, whose name has been lost to my con haze! Someone remind me!), Robert E. Hampson, and of course, David and Sharon Rice-Weber—and also to taste the best Mac and cheese I’ve had in my entire life. Seriously, if you are in downtown Durham and don’t try NanaSteak’s Gruyere “Grand Cru” Mac & Cheese, you are not living your best life.)
Joking aside, it was mind blowing to be sitting at the same table as some of the bestselling authors who inspired Jacob to write—and not only that, but on the invitation of the publisher who had released so many of those inspirational works. There were parts of this weekend that felt too incredible to be real, and this was one of them.
All this to say, Baen’s hospitality was amazing, and if the people alone are any indication, we couldn’t have landed at a better publisher. Many thanks to Christopher, Tony, Jim, and Grace for the warm welcome. (And to Toni Weisskopf, Marla, and Corinda, we regret that we didn’t get to see you. 🙁 Maybe next time!)
Now, on to the con itself!
Our SphinxCon panels were so well-received that we repeated many of them here, kicking off Friday with Collaboration with an Author, which I moderated while David and Jacob discussed the process of collaborating on The Gordian Protocol. We followed that with Self-Publishing for Shy People, which, it turns out, was a hard panel to fill for this con because apparently none of the authors in attendance were shy (or were too shy to want to be on a panel about shyness 😆). So Jacob joined me at the last minute for a discussion on how to fake being an extrovert for marketing purposes.
Baen brought another bang to our Saturday morning, starting it off with the Baen Traveling Roadshow. The Roadshow has always been a con favorite of ours, with its perfect recipe of author chats, behind-the-scenes glimpses at upcoming releases, and free books galore. In previous years, we’ve always watched longingly from the back row.
So when Baen invited David and Jacob not only to speak about The Gordian Protocol, but to start the program with it, needless to say we were pumped—and also maybe slightly nauseous. Turns out that a round of applause can do wonders to relieve nervous nausea, though, as we found when the audience cheered to greet Jacob! And when a Gordian Protocol ARC was the first free book chosen by an audience member. (We might have been misreading the room, but it looks like people are excited for this book! 😀)
Once we’d recovered from the Roadshow, I joined author wives Sharon Rice-Weber, Joy Wandrey, Sheellah Kennedy, Wendy Woods, and a whole bunch of margaritas, which are becoming traditional for The Care and Feeding of Authors panel, wherein we discussed what it takes to support an author husband.
After that, what FantaSci lacked in shy authors it made up for with chaotic plot pantsers, as Christopher Woods, Ian J. Malone, Jason T. Graves, and Rob Howell all joined me for Writing by the Seat of Your Pants.
Then, after a well-earned nap, Jacob and I jumped back into a panel room for Chaos of Creation: Balancing World Building and Story, in which we discussed how our two wildly disparate senses of plot and worldbuilding came together to make The Wizard’s Way.
Finally, Sundays tend to be the dead days at cons, but that was far from the case on FantaSci’s Sunday. Our hotel room was perfectly positioned to hear the carnage of not one, but two packed party rooms, and this made us wonder if literally anyone would be conscious enough to come to a 9am panel the following day. But the Jump, Jive, and Write panel ended up having such an impressive crowd for that hour that we panelists ended up giving the audience a round of applause! That’s dedication! Afterward, moderator Ian J. Malone led us, Jason Cordova, and Jason T. Graves in A Discussion of Music and Creative Inspiration that resulted in everyone’s writing playlists exploding. (I have never been so grateful to be a Spotify subscriber.)
Soon after, Jacob ended the con with one of his most exciting panels, Crafting Time Travel Rulesets. The crazy thing about this panel? One of the books that inspired Jacob to write in the first place—in fact, the fateful book that set off this whole adventure—was In Death Ground by David Weber and Steve White.
Who was Jacob’s fellow panelist? Steve White.
Have we mentioned that this weekend felt nothing short of surreal?
Surreal elements aside, FantaSci was also great con for getting back in touch with what’s quickly becoming our con family. Though it’s incredibly exciting to finally be traditionally published, one of the biggest perks of the whole experience has been the people we’ve befriended along the way, so without further ado:
Thanks to Angi and Phil Clayton for carrying our books at the Weber Universal Outfitters booth and generally being awesome. The same goes for Katie and Greg Barnette, who are still our friends even after I accidentally punched Greg in the teeth in the midst of an over-excited flail. 😆 (That’s true friendship right there.)
Thanks also to Rayanne and Arasin Staubly for Jacob’s fancy new bowtie, and to Wendy Woods for my glamorous kitty ears!
Thanks to Jonny Minion for being hilarious whether sober or sick on 4HU grog.
Thanks to other author buds Terry Maggert, David Alan Jones, Alan Isom, and Alex Rath, whom we didn’t share panels with, but should have because they are awesome.
And finally, thanks to Joel Lyons and crew for putting together a truly fantastic convention. We had an absolute blast this year and look forward to returning next year! 😀
Note: Holo Writing is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and, as such, may earn a small commission from any product purchased through an affiliate link on this blog.
FantaSci Panel Schedule!
Hey, readers! Our 2019 con season is kicking off this weekend at FantaSci in Durham, NC!
Here’s a list of our panel appearances and fellow panelists:
FRIDAY, March 22nd @ 3pm – Camellia
Writing by oneself is a journey, but collaborating with an author is a whole other kind of adventure! We’ll discuss the perks and challenges that come about when two heads come together (sometimes literally).
Panelists: Jacob & H.P. Holo, David Weber
FRIDAY, March 22nd @ 4pm – Camellia
For many aspiring authors, being an introvert is almost synonymous with being a writer…but unfortunately, that doesn’t sell books. We’ll discuss how to get the word out about your writing when all you want to do is hide behind your favorite notebook.
Panelists: H.P. Holo
SATURDAY, March 23rd @ 11am – Camellia
The role that wives, significant others, family and friends have in caring for the writers that we love so that they can focus on creating the stories that we love.
Panelists: H.P. Holo and other author spouses
SATURDAY, March 23rd @ 1pm – Rose
Pantsers unite! Some writers like to chart their story’s course and follow it to the letter. We are not those writers. We’ll discuss tips for writers who want to wander…without getting lost.
Panelists: H.P. Holo, Christopher Woods, Rob Howell, Terry Maggert, and Jason Graves
SATURDAY, March 23rd @ 6pm – Rose
Sometimes you create a world so vast, you can’t possibly fit it all in a readable story. How, then, do you decide what to keep? We’ll discuss how to write a fascinating world while keeping readers engaged through plot and character.
Panelists: Jacob & H.P. Holo
SUNDAY, March 24th @ 9am – Rose
The great philosopher, Plato, once said that “music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.” Come hear a panel of authors discuss their musical influences growing up, as well as the songs, artists, and themes that drive their writing today.
Panelists: Jacob & H.P. Holo, Jason Cordova, Jason Graves, and Ian Malone
SUNDAY, March 24th @ 11am – Magnolia (Main Room)
Time travel writing is fraught with paradoxes and endless potential for plot holes. We’ll discuss how to design a time travel system that doesn’t break your universe.
Panelists: Jacob Holo and Steve White
Schedule is subject to change so, check out the website or Facebook page for the most up-to-date info.
See you this weekend! 😀