Hey, y’all! H.P. here! 😄 If you like cats, noir, and short stories, you’re in for a treat, because Raconteur Press just dropped Moggie Noir (complete with a new story from yours truly)!

Moggie Noir
Anthology Edited by Rita Beeman
Published by Raconteur Press
The question remains whether you should tuck into this volume in a comfy chair for a bit of adventure. Well, if you like cats, there’s more than a little of something you love in the pages or pixels herein because, instead of a bland all-two-legger cast, these stories feature felines as central or pivotal characters. If you are a fan of noir fiction, you’ll enjoy how these authors have explored this genre and maybe stretched the bounds of what you find familiar. Some are set in the 1930s, some are present day, and some are who-knows-when.
After all, who better than a cat might convey the contradictions of a ruthless killer enrobed in the most exquisite package of sumptuous fur with glittering emerald eyes? No one, see? Cats are the ultimate expression of the noir aesthetic, and we hope you will agree, but fasten your seatbelts: it’s going to be a bumpy read.
This particular anthology marks a REALLY COOL POINT in my author career. 😀
Last year, Raconteur Press invited me to be an anchor author for a project themed around noir and cats.
Had I ever written in the noir genre? NOPE. Had I even read a noir novel? NOPE. The closest I’d come was watching Who Framed Roger Rabbit? It’s my favorite movie of all time, granted … but it’s not exactly a standard noir.
Sure, I’d written about cats, but noir’s a very distinct genre with very distinct tropes.
And yet RacPress had such faith in my writing, they were confident I’d produce an anchor-worthy story in a genre I’d never touched. 😮
I have since touched the genre A LOT, and much like Jacob with police procedurals and the File novels … found a new genre I love to write in. 😄
All this to say, I’m excited for you to meet the two newest tenants of my head in “Logan Decker, P.I. and the Bodies Agatha Definitely Didn’t Put There.” 😄 One’s a gruff, jaded PI; the other’s the ghost of a cat who spent all nine lives. Together they’ll solve crimes (or do them, Agatha’s cool with either). 😸
I had a lot of fun writing it, and I hope you have just as much fun reading it!